Tablecloth Odaska rose orange

Odaska R5994

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5.6.2024 - - Choose variant
In stock (10 pcs) On request (57 pcs) To order within 3 business days Choose variant
Code: 27600437 27600456 27601400 Choose variant
24 € / pcs 30 € / pcs 38 € / pcs from 24 € / pcs 24 € / 1 pcs 30 € / 1 pcs 38 € / 1 pcs
Category: Tablecloths
Color: orange
Type: oval, round, rectangle, standard 120x140
Material composition: cotton/polyester
Motive/pattern: floral
Material composition: 69% cotton/31% polyester

ROSE - Beautify your home with a simple and elegant rose pattern. Each flower carries the power of beauty while maintaining tasteful simplicity for a comfortable and stylish look.


Brocade was a historical term typically used to describe a fabric, usually silk, with a distinct jacquard pattern. Patterns were woven with threads containing expensive metallic fibers, such as silver or gold. However, the term "brocade" later began to be used for any fabric with a rich pattern. The technique for producing brocades originated in the Middle East. All our fabrics are high quality product. We manufacture all our brocades in our company HEDVA ČESKÝ BROKÁT s.r.o factory in Rýmařov, Czech Republic. We ship all over the world. We have our own design studio, so we are able to design brocades according to your ideas.


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